Tips & Experience

by February 11, 2016 1 comments
Assalamualaikum guys!

How are you guys doing? Fine?

Hope you are and...

Yes, we're back!!

Okay, so let's get to it!!

See the video below? Do me a favor and click on it.. hehe pretty please~

Did you click on it? I guess you didn't huh?

It's okay, i'll tell you what it's about and then maybe you can watch it later!

The video above is very interesting and it's titled..

"How to counter Intercultural Miscommunication"

TED talks have never failed to bring and invite creative, open-minded people to share their experience. 

In the video posted above, Pelligrimo Ricardo shares his experience on the times where he was left awkward and speechless by some of the customs of other cultures.

Although at times there arise conflicts due to cultural misperception and miscommunication, the speaker enjoins people to change our perception, on how we see and perceive things. 

One the tips that he shared to counter intercultural miscommunication are:

We mostly experience cultural differences among our colleagues. There are bound to be miscommunication or misunderstanding due to the diversity of our culture. 

For example, some of us don’t mind in sharing food or using the same eating utensils. Nonetheless, some of us find the behaviour quite peculiar or worst, disgusting!

Hence, we need to learn and respect other cultures as people have “different ideas of accepted and familiar”.

We have not yet engaged with any international students but hope to meet and befriend them one day.

We would like to know how you overcome intercultural miscommunication between your friends, colleagues or when you are travelling!

So that's all for now, BuBye!!

Amy & Nad


Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor.

1 comment:

  1. Assalamualaikum, Amy & Nad! We'd like to share an interesting fact with you - one of us just can't stand drinking from the same straw and eating from the same spoon (guess who hehe!). However, after spending most of the time with her friends (who love sharing food, btw), she tries (and is still trying) to adapt and put aside her discomfort so that she can get closer with her friends!
