Do you know who you are?

by March 03, 2016 0 comments

"Do you know who you are?"

That's what our lecturer asked us. She asked us to either draw how we see ourselves or make a poem about who we think we are.. so here goes~

This is Nadiah, she chooses to draw herself :)

What do you guys think? Haha Nadiah told me to tell you guys she DO NOT look like this but instead, she's much cuter!! Haha, we know you are Nadiah..

Okay, so now, for me, Amy, I would like to present to you guys with this poem of mine. I'm not really sure if this answers Dr. Fiza's (lecturer) question, but this is truly how I think of myself..


I don't know who I am..
well.. at least not yet
but I'm not someone else,
and I'm proud of that.

I like to believe,
I'm a diamond in the rough,
Because if I succeed,
The feeling will be more than enough,

Now you see, it's clear,
There's no need to worry and there's no need to fear,
Cause I know I'll find myself with my own sweat and tears..

So, one day,
I'll find the key,
And one day,
I'll unlock the REAL ME.


Amy & Nad


Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor.


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